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Published on February 15, 2022
Cottage Resin DioramaI made this cottage scene diorama nightlight for my Dad for his birthday. It was my biggest epoxy pour yet at around 1.5kg and definitely the most detailed project I've done so far. Makes me want to do more like this. I get so engrossed in painting the little miniatures, building out the scene and then finding a way to make it work as a night light. Check out the Youtube video of the make below... Now I need to come up with a plan for my next project so I can start stocking my store with more like this! Any suggestions?

Published on February 15, 2022
Joe's Jotter: Choosing Subjects for 5th YearJoe’s Jotter: Choosing Subjects for 5th Year. Choosing subjects for 5th Year can be daunting enough, and soon many 3rd and all Transition (4th) year students will be faced with that task in school. A 4th year student will have had more time to contemplate options, and so sometimes make more considered choices than those coming straight from the Junior Cycle (3rd year), and this is something Parents need to be aware of. It is important to put some thought into how subject choices may influence career options later. Students should consult with all their teachers and ask them about the level of work that’s required for success in a given subject at a specific level. Third Level Considerations Students, If you have a third level course or career in mind, it is important now to do a little research into its content and investigate if there are any minimum entry requirements to gain access to it. All courses now have detailed descriptions of each module online, listing out exactly what you will be required to study on a year by year basis. It is important to note that no matter what points you achieve; you will not be allowed onto a course unless you achieve its minimum entry requirement (if it has one). This may guide you to choose particular subjects. In the case of compulsory exam subjects (which you will be studying anyway), obviously there is no choice to make there. However, if there is a requirement on your desired course to score a certain grade in a foreign language or other subject, you will need to opt for this subject if your heart is set on that course. However, to this tune, I would strongly recommend you have a plan B and C in place when choosing courses and will discuss the importance of this in articles later in the year. In relation to specific college requirements, it is useful to know that the NUI colleges (UCD, UCG, UCC, Maynooth etc) require a pass in a third language [excluding English and Gaeilge] for many of their courses. However there are now exceptions to this: UCD has dropped this requirement for Engineering and Agricultural Science, and Maynooth has removed it for Business, Accounting, Finance and Law. Trinity, UL, DCU and the Institutes of Technology do not have this third language requirement, except for their language courses. Again, the advice here is to double check the requirements online for each individual course. There are also ‘Subject requirements’ on courses. Examples include: to study Primary teaching, you need a H4 in Irish, Engineering courses may require honours Maths and sometimes a science subject, Medicine may require two science subjects (one being chemistry) and Nursing may also require a science subject. The savvy student will do some research on websites like qualifax.ie and careersportal.ie to get a handle on the exact requirements of courses they are Interested in. The Eight ACE ‘Do’s’ for choosing Subjects All in all, when it comes to subject choice, students should think a little about their futures, talk to teachers, look at courses they may have an Interest in and discuss with their peers gone ahead how they found studying the subject. Take your time and choose well. It may be wiser to choose subjects you have an interest in, as opposed to ones you feel you must choose in order to get into a certain career later. It is definitely a balancing act. Here are my eight ACE do’s for subject choice for 3rd and 4th year students: ·Do…Choose subjects you enjoy learning about ·Do…Discuss it with as many people as you can including teachers and peers etc ·Do…Try and keep your options open as much as possible ·Do…Choose subjects you have some kind of a flair for or Interest In ·Do…Research each subject’s content on https://www.curriculumonline.ie/ ·Do…Choose subjects linked to a possible future career you are considering ·Do…Write down the Pro’s/Con’s when trying to decide between two subjects ·Do…Make the final decision yourself (not your friends, teachers, or parents) Final Choice Advice The best advice I can give about subjects is to select ones that keep your options open. You can best do this by choosing one foreign language and ensuring that at least two of the other three subjects picked are ones you have an interest in or flair for. Remember that you will be spending a lot of time studying your chosen subjects over the next two years and the nightmare scenario would be dreading going into that class each day. I myself selected a subject I regretted taking in 5th year, but luckily was allowed switch later. You may not be as fortunate in your school, so try and get it right the first time to save any unnecessary anxiety. I now also have a degree in a subject that I didn’t study for my Leaving Cert. Life can be funny, so my advice is ‘rule nothing out’ and keep as many doors open as possible. In choosing subjects, always play to your strengths. For example, if business is something you are really interested in, you could choose Business and Accounting (assuming they don’t clash on the school timetable). Similarly, if Science is your area of passion, you could opt for two of the Science subjects i.e. Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Applied Maths or Agricultural Science may also be other options here. Enthusiasm for any subject will foster a desire to learn more about it and studying these subjects in Senior Cycle won’t even feel like learning. If you are struggling with this decision, get in touch with me via my website below and I will send you some resources that will help. I wish you every success with your upcoming decision. Joe Full details about Joe's Junior and Leaving Cert Maths Books can be found on his store page: https://sii.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/store/ace-maths-solution-books/
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Published on February 15, 2022
Hand blown murano glassMurano glass earrings and pendants If you’ve never heard of Murano glass you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. What makes it different from the normal glass windows we have in our homes? First of all, the process of making Murano glass is different from any others. It requires a special glassblowing process that is over 1000 years old. Rediscovered by local artisans who found the remains of ancient Roman glassware at the end of the first millennium, they continuously developed and enhanced the technique which has been relied upon ever since. When making the glass they mix it with other minerals which gives it its funky colours and vibrant designs. The resulting liquid glass mixture is then mouth-blown and then handcrafted by master glassmakers in a series of elaborate steps. They used tools to mould, shape and polish the glass to create unique and beautiful designs. For this reason, high-end Murano Glass is called art glass. These earrings and pendants are made from Murano glass stunningly light reflecting and the dept within the beads has to be seen to be believed

Published on February 08, 2022
Day in the Life of an Irish Soap Maker - Sophie's SoapsHi... this is my first blog post on Sophie's Soaps. I used to blog a lot in college. I ran a blog called The Daily Struggle back in 2016 as part of a college assignment so luckily I have some experience in it and hopefully won't make a massive mess of my first post on here... So basically I wanted to start blogging about my everyday life as a soap maker so maybe you can learn a little more about me :) Let me introduce myself, my name is Sophie Freeman and I am the owner and manufacturer at Sophie's Soaps. Well, I probably could have many more titles because I am the only worker behind the business - a one-woman-show some people would say. I won't bore you with my background just yet... instead I want to take you through my day! So my alarm went off at 8:am.... I did what any normal person would do and turned it off - said to myself I'll just close my eyes for 5 minutes and BOOM suddenly it's 9am - I get up and get dressed for the day. I had an electrician due to come in and sort out my immersion. I haven't had any hot water in the taps for 2 weeks which makes soap making a complete nightmare. I decided to hoover the stairs out of pure shame in case he judged me for the small bits of straw that were there from filling gift boxes. I had a quick bowl of cornflakes and checked for any post. I ordered some photo prints last week and they arrived in today so I had a good look at them. As I was sorting through the pictures the doorbell went and it was the electrician! Immersion was fixed fairly quickly and now I can go back to making soap again - delighted! I got an order in from my retailed Green Outlook so I decided to start packing that. The order was for 50 makeup brush cleaners, 20 of each bubble dough, and 30 lemon drop soap bars. While I was packing it I ran of brown paper (typical) so now I have to wait the brown paper I ordered last week arrives before I can ship her order. I'm raging because I hoped to get it out to her today. Anyway, what can you do? I keep in pretty regular contact with Niamh from Bare Blue so I ended up going on my phone for a little while listening to her voice notes that she left me and I responded back. We talk about everything business related and some personal life related stuff. It's lovely to have someone to talk to who also owns a small business and understands what it's life day to day! I decided to put my immersion to use and put it on for a half hour so I could make two batches of bubble dough as I am nearly out of stock AGAIN :O I love making bubble dough it's so therapeutic I love smooshing things in my hands and this is the perfect product to do that with - with gloves on of course! I ended up making a big batch of Deep Sleep and Super Split. The smell in my house right now is unbelievable! A pro of making cosmetics I suppose is that my house always smells lovely. I did a little demo of the dough in my kitchen sink for my Instagram stories and then took a picture of each dough in front of the bubbles - with the intent of uploading these pics to my product page.... God knows when I'll actually do that... After making those I popped the heating on, made some dinner, and lit a candle - my usual evening routine! I went online to write down my orders that need to be posted tomorrow. I absolutely love doing this! I get such a kick out of seeing orders coming in - it's so good to think that people like that products that I make. I have been thinking about improving the packaging and labelling of products lately (always looking to improve) so I went looking for some quotes for barcodes and waterproof labelling for products like the shampoo and conditioner bars, shaving soap, and bubble dough. While I am writing this I am realising how much work I got done today haha! I got all the quotes I was looking for after 2 hours or so of research. Look at that price for waterproof labels.... gives me anxiety just thinking about it. I am going to try to wait it out until June to put through the order just because footing that much money at the minute would be a very bad idea with rent due in less than two weeks... I can't wait for the labels to be waterproof! I've wanted to do it for years but just didn't have the money and I didn't have enough sales coming in to justify such a big expense. Last year I invested most of my sales into buying more equipment so I could fill more orders and this year I am aiming to improve the packaging of all products. I actually can't wait for it. After finishing getting my quotes I decided to have a nice long shower and get into my comfy pyjamas. While I was in the shower I thought... maybe I start blogging again... my mind literally never rests I am always thinking of new things to do. I ended up making myself a lovely big mug of hot chocolate with two Viennese whirls (highly recommend) before I sat down to write this! It is currently 10:30pm and I am exhausted.... I am going to finally log off and try to shut my brain off for the next hour before I go to sleep. I hope this wasn't painfully long of a blog post. Please let me know what you think of my painfully boring life haha! Sophie xx

Published on January 25, 2022
A fusion of earth and oceanFáilte / Welcome I'm Julia and this is an introduction to my wonderful world of clay. I'm so lucky to be able to live in one of the most beautiful parts of Ireland, County Kerry. My commute involves a 5 second walk to my studio overlooking Ballinskelligs bay. From here I spend far too much time gazing out over the bay watching the over changing colours of the ocean. Ocean collection It is no wonder then, that these colours influence the palette of glazes on my ocean collection I make both functional and decorative wheel thrown and slab built pieces as well unique bespoke pieces. These are all made with a speckled stoneware clay which adds an extra quality to the piece. Hedgerow collection Along the lane ways of Kerry during the Spring and Summer can be found an abundance of native flora and fauna. I collect a sample of seed heads and ferns etc from these to press directly into my clay pieces. Because of this hand on method each piece is unique. These are then dried slowly before adding in coloured stains and slips and then fired. I have built up a collection a garden gifts such as bird feeders and baths as well as unique garden water features which are all available to buy from my Shop in Ireland store. Go raibh maith agat Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog post! I will be posting in more detail about the processes involved and of course the finished pieces themselves.

Published on January 21, 2022
Benefits of Eye PillowsWhat are the benefits of a lavender eye pillow? There are many uses and benefits of a lavender eye pillow, most people would have come across them whilst practising Yoga as they are a great tool to promote relaxation. As well as helping you to relax, they can be useful for headache and migraine management, to soothe tired eyes, particularly after spending long hours looking at a screen, and to aid sleep routines. How do they work? You simply place the eye pillow on your eyes, whilst lying down on your back. Our lavender eye pillow is slightly wider than standard eye pillows and it is not overly filled. This allows you to shape the flaxseed filling so that the pillow moulds perfectly to the contours of your face. The eye pillow blocks out the light and provides a gentle pressure over the eyes and forehead, inducing a state of relaxation. The light pressure over the eyes and forehead coupled with the friendly darkness is particularly useful to those who suffer from headaches and migraines. For migraine sufferers, if scents are a trigger, we can also make your eye pillows without the lavender. If you practise Yoga, whilst lying down in the relaxation pose of savasana, an eye pillow can deepen relaxation. Even if you don't practise Yoga, you can use your lavender eye pillow in the evening, whilst lying in bed, to prepare for sleep or at any time of the day when you need to take a little relaxation break, even 5/10 minutes lying down still can do wonders for our nervous system. Kids eye pillows can be used to help children establish a sleep routine. It is also possible to use the eye pillow cold, just seal it in an airtight bag/ container and place it in the fridge for a few minutes, please make sure that the eye pillow doesn't get wet as this would spoil the natural flax seeds contained in it. Should you wish to warm it up, you could sit it on a radiator for a few minutes, better if wrapped in a light towel. How are they made? We use 100% cotton for both the pillow and for the outer pillow case, we fill them with flaxseed (linseed) and lavender flowers. If you prefer, an unscented version is available too. The outer cover is removable and washable (40°C). We use high quality quilting cotton fabric and we lovingly make each eye pillow here in North County Dublin, Ireland. Who are they for? If you can lie down, you can use an eye pillow! We make eye pillows for both adults and children. We have a large selection of designs for our lavender eye pillows, prints as well as plain cotton, and kids eye pillows come in a variety of fun prints too! We recommend that children only use eye pillows from age 3+ as they are not a toy. They are the perfect gift idea for family and friends, teachers, as well as wedding favours or bridesmaids gifts Where can I get them? We have many different designs available. We believe that you will find something that you love. Eye pillows are also known as eye masks or dream pillows. We make them to order here in Ireland, in Yoganamara Yoga Studio, with love, care, attention to detail and craftmanship. Check out our store on ShopInIreland.ie Eye pillows for adults: https://sii.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/product/eye-pillows/ Eye pillows for kids: https://sii.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/product/eye-pillow-for-kids/

Published on January 13, 2022
Joe’s Jotter: Revising Your Less Favourite Subject.Joe’s Jotter: Revising Your Less Favourite Subject Junior and Leaving Certs, As you prepare for your upcoming mock exams, teachers and parents totally understand that even though you are making great strides, you still have plenty of fears. From talking to students, I find it’s not the full set of exams that cause concern; it is usually only one or two subjects. Naturally everyone has their own talents and subjects they prefer. Personally, I was better at the Sciences than the languages, but I persevered and got the grades I wanted in the languages I chose. Sometimes subjects you are not looking forward to are the ones that have you on guard and you end up doing better in; A paper on the day can go well in an exam you were dreading. I regularly hear welcome surprise coming from students on results day, with comments such as “I didn’t expect that result in xxxxx”. The moral of the story here is that too much concern about a subject could end in false worry and be draining you of energy; energy you need for studying and getting your head right. Not crazy about this subject Preparing for one of your less favoured subjects is a blatant case of having to ‘get on with it’ i.e. ‘Eating your Frog’. Of course, it is easier to study and work on subjects you enjoy and are good at, but you must not ignore the others. Studying and preparing your ‘frog subjects’ is probably the biggest challenge you will face during your exam year. Author and reconstructive surgeon, Jack Penn, once said: “One of the secrets in life is making steppingstones out of stumbling blocks”. Prioritise Subjects In order to deal with a subject you find difficult, you need to prioritise it on your Lifestyle (Study) Timetable. It should therefore be ranked in your top three subjects and entered first onto the timetable with the possibility of including more study blocks for it than other subjects. In subjects you struggle with, you need to: ask for plenty of help from your teacher, work with a study buddy, find ways of learning that best suits you, break topics into manageable chunks, write a good set of notes that you can relate to and understand, think outside the box and ultimately dig in and persevere. These are all the characteristics of successful students when they face obstacles. This is on of my favourite quotes and is relevant here: “Someone once told me not to bite off more than I could chew; I said I’d rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity” Unknown Train as you will play Practising past papers is a vital part of revision. It allows you to test what you have learned, what you need to revisit and gives you a taste for the pressures of the exam ‘environment’. The weekend is the best time to practice past papers as you have more flexibility then to create ‘exam timing conditions’. You should train as you play; if you get used to timing yourself and keeping an eye on the clock, it will come naturally on the day. This is one of my ACE tips for success. Remember; only test yourself on material you have studied from the course. The earlier you get practising exam questions against the clock in all subjects, the better. Use small (A5/A6) hardback notebooks Use a small hardback for each subject, writing down the keywords/phrases and vocabulary for each topic as you meet them. This will help to improve your knowledge and understanding of a subject. The beauty of a small hardback is its portability. It can be carried around with you, adding variety to your learning. I always give my students one at the start of each year and prompt them to input important information into it every so often. By the end of the year, they have a pocket size set of keynotes that is great for revision. When revising a topic from your textbook, select the key words or phrases which will help you to remember what the topic is about, and then transfer them into your hardback. Your hardback will be a useful resource that you can dip in and out of as the exams approach and it won’t seem as daunting as a big refill pad! Joe.

Published on January 11, 2022
What is a Fairy Door?Hi I’m Rachel from Away with the Fairies and have been a member of Shop in Ireland from the very start. I started my fairy business with my husband nearly 20 years ago now, we’ve built it up over the years and thankfully the fairies now pay the mortgage for us! Many of our customers ask ‘What is a fairy door’, so here’s a little intro; A Fairy door is a magical portal between our world and the fairy realm, usually found at the base of a tree trunk or on a skirting board. Fairy doors can be used to help children with imaginative play and creative thinking and so can also help children deal with worries and bad dreams. Fairies have been travelling to and from from the fairy realm to ours for centuries, sometimes using fairy rings and fairy forts. In more recent times however, parents have been putting fairy doors in their homes and gardens to encourage the fairies to move in and interact with their children. Irish Fairy Doors Fairies have long been part of culture in Ireland for centuries and were not always the benign creatures we enjoy interacting with today. Sometimes they would take a child away to the fairy realm, as chronicled by famous Irish Poet W.B. Yeats in his Poem The Stolen Child Fairies are believed to be the Tuatha de Danann, one of the first tribes to arrive in Ireland. The Tuatha de Danann were a magical and secretive race and so they are an important part of Irish mythology and culture. The Fairy Doors of Ann Abor Some of the first Fairy doors appeared in Michigan USA way back in 1993. Overnight these magical fairy doorways appeared all over the city to the delight of locals and tourists alike. The kids of Ann Arbor would leave gifts for their fairies including handmade drawings, notes, sweets and other precious items and wait for a response. Fairies would answer the notes or leave gifts in return to the delight of the children. The doors then spread to the surrounding villages and towns Handmade Wooden Fairy Doors Often made with the help of children, these doors can be charming and great fun to construct. Usually made from materials that can be found in the forest these doors fit perfectly into a woodland setting and have a wonderful natural look to them. Opening Fairy Doors These popular Opening fairy doors are for the less secretive fairies that don’t mind having children visit their home! Although you would be very lucky indeed to find one because fairies have super sensitive hearing . A fairy will often take flight when they hear children approaching Created from resin these doors are very durable so are ideal for placing in the garden. . Metal Fairy Doors Built to last! These Magical metal Fairy Doors can be highly intricate as well as having the ability to open. Built with durability in mind these doors can be used inside or in the garden. The fairy door pictured even has a window so that the child to post notes to the fairy. Now, these Garden fairy doors are for the most secretive of fairies. The door will only open for the fairies because they love their privacy. However these fairies still love to receive gifts and notes and are always happy to take away the children’s worries. Often these doors will be found at the base of a tree or part of a miniature garden complete with Fairy Garden Accessories. What does a fairy door do? Fairy doors are essentially a magical tool to boost your child’s sense of wonder and to encourage what child psychologists call “Imaginative play”. The great part about it is that the parents can get involved too. Children write notes to the fairies and can get creative leaving drawings and gifts. If a child is worried about anything this can give parents a great insight into what their child’s worries might be. Be assured a fairy door is sure to bring hours of fun to any household! How to get a fairy to move in Once you have decided on a spot for your fairy door , you may wonder how do I attract a fairy to move in? Rest assured there is a number of ways to encourage the fairies to pick your fairy door. Some doors arrive with a magical key which can be left out for the fairies overnight, if it has disappeared in the morning you know the fairy has used it to open the door. You can also sprinkle fairy dust or flower petals at the entrance to the door and if they have been disturbed you know a fairy has entered the magical portal. You will all our Discover our Fairy Doors at our Shop in Ireland Store

Published on December 13, 2021
How to clean your sterling silver jewellery and save it from tarnishSo you've discovered your perfect Magpie Gems jewellery and are completely in love with it. Or, you may have come across this blog and become hooked with sterling silver. Regardless of your motivation, you've arrived at the most important question: how do I care for sterling silver jewelry? Sterling silver is one of the most popular jewelry materials, but it's also one of the most underappreciated. Why? One simple answer is the tarnish. When oxygen or sulfur comes into contact with sterling silver, it tarnishes the metal. The silver becomes tarnished or discolored as a result of chemical bonding. This is why cleaning your sterling silver jewelry is so important for keeping your standout pieces gleaming and lasting. There are a few things to consider when cleaning sterling silver at home. Sterling silver is a mixture of metal kinds at its heart. If you're a Magpie Gems jewellery lover, you've probably already noticed the 925 stamp within your earrings, ring or necklace clasp. This figure represents the amount of silver in the piece. Sterling Silver (also known as 925 Silver) is made up of 92.5 percent silver (Ag) and 7.5 percent copper (Cu) (Cu). The 925 will always be the standard for 92.5 percent purity, regardless of the extra 7.5 percent. However, we promise we will never have nickel in our silver, to save you from the allergies and nickel intolerances, saving you from the constant itching and redness or swelling you might get from other cheap jewellery. Sterling silver tarnishes when exposed to air. Silver should be kept in individual, airtight plastic bags. Bracelets with links or chains should be unclasped or unhooked to avoid scratching. As previously said, humidity can be harmful, so make sure your storage place has a low humidity level. An airtight and delicate fabric-lined box for individual items is another choice for jewelry storage. Wearing sterling silver jewelry is one of the greatest methods to keep it from tarnishing. The oils in your skin might really help keep your jewellery clean and gleaming. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO CLEAN STERLING SILVER AT HOME? Here are some home solutions for cleaning sterling silver if you don't want to go to the jeweler. One thing to keep in mind is that silver cleaners aren't suitable for all types of silver jewelry. This means that jewelry containing pearls or opaque gemstones should not be entirely washed in these mixtures because the stones may be damaged. Wash your silver with running water or a clean, moist towel after using these treatments. Then, using a microfiber cloth, dry the pieces. Cloth for polishing When the tarnishing isn't too bad, polishing is the best option. Because silver is readily scratched, it's critical to polish it with a specific silver cloth. Lint-free flannel, microfiber, or a soft, non-abrasive cloth are more options. Paper towels and tissues should be avoided at all costs since they contain fibers that damage silver. To avoid re-tarnishing the silver, use back-and-forth motions that replicate the pattern of the silver jewelry and switch to different portions of the cloth. Q-tips are always wonderful for those hard-to-reach places. Water & Soap When polishing fails to remove the tarnish, use warm water and a light, ammonia- and phosphate-free dishwashing soap. Before trying any of the following procedures, we strongly advise you to try this one first. Water & Baking Soda Using baking soda and water, make a paste. On use, add a pea-sized amount of paste to your silver and polish it. Thin your paste with more water if you're cleaning sterling silver with greater detail, and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean cracks and crevices. After that, soak the piece in warm water and pat it dry with a clean cloth. Lemon Juice & Olive Oil In a large mixing bowl, combine 1/2 cup lemon juice and 1 tablespoon olive oil. After that, soak a small microfiber cloth in the solution. Polish your sterling silver with this cloth, then rinse and dry. Baking Soda & White Vinegar If you're wondering how to clean a sterling silver ring, this mixture is a great gentle cleaner for serious tarnish removal. Soak your tarnished jewelry in a mixture of 1/2 cup white vinegar and 2 tablespoons baking soda for 2 to 3 hours. This mixture fizzes, so be careful. Rinse and dry your sterling silver after two to three hours in this solution. My personal favourite: baking soda, boiling water, salt and aluminium kitchen foil If the previous doesn't work, mix baking soda, salt, hot water, and foil together to make a chemical solution. Line a glass, ceramic or porcelain bowl or a glass roasting pan with aluminum foil. The foil should be placed with the dull side down. Place the jewelry on the foil and pour boiling water over it until it is completely covered. After that, add 2 tbsp salt and 2 tbsp baking soda. Because granules may damage the metal, stir the fluid to ensure the baking soda dissolves. Any tarnish on the metal foil will be transferred by the solution. It may only take 5 to 10 minutes for you to notice a significant difference in your jewelry. Using a colander, drain the solution and rinse the jewelry in warm water before drying with a clean cloth. We should warn you that the solution has a strong odor but will return the shine to your jewellery. Do not use it for jewellery with pearls, as they get easily scratched! WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF STERLING SILVER? Now that you know how to clean sterling silver, here are some of the advantages of wearing these lovely and unique jewellery. It's hypoallergenic Nickel is a frequent allergen that causes allergic contact dermatitis. This is caused by coming into contact with an allergen. Dermatitis leaves behind itchy, inflamed skin as well as ugly scabs. Nickel allergy affects more than 18% of people. That is why sterling silver, in general, and for individuals with sensitive skin in particular, is so enticing. It's 92.5 percent pure silver and won't cause any side effects. As a result, it's an excellent hypoallergenic jewelry choice that doesn't cause contact dermatitis. It's Long-Lasting Sterling silver jewelry may last a lifetime if you know how to care for it. These objects are frequently passed down as heirlooms and will retain their appearance for 40 years or more. Investing in 925 sterling silver produces long-lasting daily use jewelry. It Reduces Inflammation and Boosts Energy Silver is absorbed through the skin. As a result, it has potent pain-relieving properties once inside the body. This element improves blood circulation while also reducing muscular and tissue discomfort. As a result, frequent symptoms of inflammation and arthritis are addressed. Silver increases appropriate energy flow when it comes into direct touch with the skin. As a result, the body becomes more vivacious and re-energized. Furthermore, sterling silver is recognized to improve mental focus and attention. Do you have a thing for silver and crystals jewellery? Find nickel-free jewelry in 925 sterling silver in our collections. There's Never a Dull Moment!

Published on November 30, 2021
Murder Most Local Author IntroductionMy name is Peter O’Shea and I write true crime historical books in County Cork. Everyone always asks if all these things really happened and yes these stories all happened between 50 and 250 years ago. I started the Murder Most Local series in 2018 when I wrote ‘Murder Most Local, Historic Murders of East Cork’ and the response we got was phenomenal. Every year since I have written another title, North Cork, West Cork and this year South Cork. In the run-up to Christmas last year we struggled to get to bookshops as did everyone else and that's where ShopinIreland came in. It gave us that online exposure we so desperately needed, just at the right time. We have always been great supporters of Shop Local and it was right for us from the start. I work full-time for Ballycotton Lifeboat as a mechanic. We live in Ballycotton and have 3 young sons. It can be difficult writing in our busy household but it's something I really enjoy doing. This time of year especially is very rewarding as we get lots of feedback from people who have read my books. One story that sticks in my head was for my first book launch, a farmer who lived outside Midleton asked me about a specific murder. He had tried with years to research a murder that was supposed to have happened on his farm. This murder was in my East Cork book, he bought 2 copies and said he was going to the car to read it immediately. He was so happy to finally have the information he had been searching for. I am very grateful to everyone to has bought a book over the years and recommended my books to friends and family.

Published on November 30, 2021
About me and my shopI thought I would take the opportunity to tell you all a little bit about myself and how I started my shop. Back in 2018, I found myself in a very stressful job with little rewards whilst my son was struggling at home. To help me cope, I started doing what I loved as a little girl, which was crafting. In 2019, an opportunity arose allowing me to leave the 9-5 job behind and spend more time with my family. I started to craft more and more and was getting more and more frustrated at the lack of quality craft supplies in Ireland at affordable prices and I was sourcing a lot in UK and rest of Europe/World for myself. After Brexit became a reality, I saw an opportunity to start importing quality supplies into Ireland. I sometimes spend weeks and months finding the best quality supplies and negotiating the best deals with worldwide suppliers. My ethos from the start has always been to provide great material at reasonable prices. I only sell items I would gladly use myself in my own crafts. Since 2020 my little business has been growing steadily and I hope to be able to continue to expand to bring even more supplies into the country. I am always open to suggestions and would love for all of you to let me know what craft supplies you think are missing in Ireland. I will always do my best to help you source it if I believe there is a market for it here. Since leaving my job, I have been so much happier, building my own business whilst also having plenty of time to spend with my family. I just love seeing my son coming home from school with a smile on his face ! Please visit my shop (https://sii.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/store/handmade-crafts-by-nicole/)to see what is already available. I have big plans for 2022 onwards, so keep an eye on my shop and on the Shop in Ireland Facebook group too. Thank you so much for all of you who have already purchased of me this year and hoping to serve even more of you in the future. Nicole

Published on November 30, 2021
Breathing life into stones.Hello there, Toni here from Gift a little Boulder. I am a self taught artist working in the medium of stone, wood and tumbled recycled glass....mainly wine bottles as they seem to accumulate a lot in my house for some reason. My greatest inspiration comes from Mother Nature herself ( and the wine) . All of my creations are made with passion and each piece is unique. Invariably I can be found on a beach or the Bog of Allen walking with my head bent scrutinising the ground for that perfectly shaped stone. Sometimes I think they find meeeee! I approach each piece with a desire to leave the stones intact and I use colour and arrangement to bring my creations to life. Please take a peek at my shop and especially at my little robins which I have created for "Someone missing Someone" Thank you for stopping by. Warm regards Toni