Why is my product showing as Out of Stock but it says I have two left on the dashboard?
The stock quantity on the seller dashboard should be considered as your virtual stockroom. The stockroom contains product for sale and yet to be dispatched.
* If you have one product in stock, and you have one processing order (no shipment created), the one product on your dashboard is not available to customers as it is reserved for your processing order.
How can I avoid this happening?
* All orders MUST be marked as shipped when they have been dispatched to the customer for two reasons:
1. To control your stock.
2. To keep the customer updated ont he status of their order.
(marking orders as shipped is a requirment of selling on this website)
How can I fix orders that were not previously marked as shipped?
- You will need to go back over old orders and create a shipment. In the Carrier/Tracking secion put in comments